Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Untuk Penginputan Data Posyandu


Rina Candra Noor Santi
Felix Andreas Sutanto
Kristophorus Hadiono
Heribertus Yulianton


Technology is getting faster, it turns out that some people cannot use the technology properly. One example is the Dawis Wortel Working Group in the Kembangarum Village, which until now still uses manualization at the time of recording. Any recording in the DAWIS working group is still done manually, that is, only by using the guidelines for recording data in the pokja book. This recording serves to find out how far the health level information is in the Dawis, especially the posyandu recording. This record serves to make it easier to monitor the health level of its citizens, especially toddlers. Because the recording is still manual, it is necessary to hold assistance and training in recording posyandu data using a computer, because recording on a computer will make it easier for officers to find other data and so that the recording can be recorded properly, neatly and clearly. is increasing the use of information technology for pokja, especially the posyandu group.


How to Cite
Santi, R. C. N., Felix Andreas Sutanto, Kristophorus Hadiono, & Heribertus Yulianton. (2022). Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Untuk Penginputan Data Posyandu. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 3(3), 541-548. https://doi.org/10.37339/jurpikat.v3i3.1063


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