Kesadaran, Pengetahuan, dan Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Kepatuhan Pajak


Menik Indrati
Sherlynnia Marceggiani


Various countries, including Indonesia, depend on taxation as their biggest source of funding. Therefore, tax compliance continues to be a concern for the government to continue to improve, because low tax compliance can cause failure to realize government programs, and if ignored can cause a national crisis. To make this happen, awareness and voluntary attitude are needed from each individual as a taxpayer to carry out his tax obligations correctly based on applicable laws. In addition, tax compliance can also increase if the knowledge that the taxpayer has is adequate, which he gets from the level of education. Where through education, one can get teaching and education about taxes correctly, which can be applied in everyday life. In this study, showed positive results of awareness, knowledge, and level of education on tax compliance. With the intention and desire of taxpayers to pay their obligations, the level of tax compliance in Indonesia will continue to increase.

Keywords      : Tax Compliance, Awareness, Knowledge, Education Level.



How to Cite
Indrati, M., & Marceggiani, S. (2023). Kesadaran, Pengetahuan, dan Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Kepatuhan Pajak . Jurnal E-Bis, 7(2), 766-783.


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