Pengaruh Pelayanan Prima (Service Excellence) Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada Unit Pengelola Kegiatan (UPK) Galuh Buana Panumbangan Ciamis
The Unit of Management Activity (UPK) is a unit that manage the operational activities of rural communities in the sub-districts and assists the Inter-Village Cooperation Agency (BKAD) for coordinating meetings in the District. UPK Galuh Buana Panumbangan, the main focus is customers’ satisfaction that leads to continue in providing excellent services. This study aimed to find out an empirical picture of: Excellent Services; Customers’ Satisfaction; and The Influence of Excellent Services on Customers’ Satisfaction in The Unit of Management Activity (UPK) Galuh Buana Panumbangan Ciamis. This research used Descriptive Quantitative Methode. Sample of this research were 61 people customer by simple random sampling technique. The analytical tool that used is simple regression. The results of this research showed that: Excellent Services and Customers’ Satisfaction of UPK Galuh Buana Panumbangan has all ready good. And also has significant effect between Excellent Services to Customers’ Satisfaction at UPK Galuh Buana Panumbangan Ciamis.
LPPM Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Indonesia
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