Designing a Company Profile as Promotional Media at Zaeni Convection Using WordPress


Sumadanu Budi Taruna
Rini Suwartika


In this digital era, business actors need to digitize their companies. One way to digitize is by creating a company profile website that could improve communication between clients and business actors. This research aim is to make a company profile website design at Zaeni Convection using WordPress. Zaeni Convection is a company engaged in the clothing industry. From the older research, Zaeni Convection needs a platform as a promotional medium for their company. In this study, the authors used the SDLC or Software Development Lifecycle method as a design to build a company profile website. In this study, 21 people filled out a questionnaire resulting that with the company profile website, promotional media became more efficient. The results of this study are a company profile website that can help companies promote their products and company profiles as well as company services.


How to Cite
Taruna, S. B., & Rini Suwartika. (2023). Designing a Company Profile as Promotional Media at Zaeni Convection Using WordPress. Jurnal E-Komtek (Elektro-Komputer-Teknik), 7(1), 168-178.


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