JASATEC : Journal of Students of Automotive, Electronic and Computer https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec <pre><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">JASATEC : Journal of Students of Automotive, Electronic and Computer</span><br></strong>Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Indonesia<br>Frequency : 2 issues per year <br>DOI Prefix : 10.37339 by <span style="font-family: 'Georgia';"><img src="http://ijain.org/public/site/images/apranolo/Crossref_Logo_Stacked_RGB_SMALL.png" alt="" width="60" height="16"></span><br>Online ISSN : <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20211027101169508" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-6627</a><br>Editor-in-chief : Asni Tafrikhatin<br>Citation analysis : Google Scholar<br>Journal scope : <a href="https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/index.php/jasatec/focus_and_scope">Scope </a></pre> en-US admin@jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id (Asni Tafrikhatin, M.Pd.) dikasri201@gmail.com (Sri Rahandika Heri) Sat, 31 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Rancang Bangun Prototipe Jemuran Pakaian Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor LDR dan Sensor Hujan Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 328 https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1425 <p><em>The inter-monsoon season is the transitional period between the rainy season and the summer season. When drying clothes outdoors, it can be quite inconvenient if it suddenly rains, especially during the inter-monsoon season, resulting in clothes not drying optimally. This research aims to assist users in addressing this issue by creating a prototype of an automatic clothes drying rack using an LDR sensor and a rain sensor. The research method employed in this study is the Research and Development approach. The automatic clothes drying rack prototype utilizes an LDR sensor and an DSK MH-RD rain sensor to detect light intensity and rainfall, an Arduino as the microcontroller, and a stepper motor as the mechanism to move the drying rack. If the LDR sensor detects light and the rain sensor does not detect rain, the stepper motor will automatically activate and move the clothes outside. Conversely, if the rain sensor detects the presence of water or the LDR does not detect light, the stepper motor will move the clothes inside. It is hoped that this product can assist users in achieving optimal clothes drying.</em></p> Arba'i Yusuf, Isnaeni Iramawati, Asni Tafrikhatin (Author) Copyright (c) 2023 JASATEC : Journal of Students of Automotive, Electronic and Computer https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1425 Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Tempat Sampah Otomatis Berirama Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 328 di SD Negeri Wonosigro https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1426 <p>Public awareness to dispose of garbage in its place is still considered low. It is evident that garbage is still scattered in public places so that a way is needed to increase public awareness. One way is to modify the trash can into an attractive trash can. A trash can that can automatically open and close and can bring up notifications and sounds. The research method uses Research and Development. The R&amp;D stages include: collecting data, making product designs, building products, and testing products. The components of the tool include: ultrasonic sensor, ATmega 328 microcontroller, servo motor, I2C LCD, and speaker. The way the tool works is the ultrasonic sensor as an object detector, the ATmega 328 microcontroller as a processing tool. The output of the system is a servo motor as a trash can lid driver, LCD and speaker as notification. Based on the results of testing the entire system of Automatic Rhythmic Trash Can Design Using Ultrasonic Sensors Based on ATmega 328 Microcontroller, it is explained that ultrasonic sensors can detect objects with a distance of less than 50 cm.</p> Erman Al Hakim, Jati Sumarah, Nur Faizah Budi Mulyani (Author) Copyright (c) 2023 JASATEC : Journal of Students of Automotive, Electronic and Computer https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1426 Tue, 03 Oct 2023 03:12:45 +0700 Rancang Bangun Buka Kunci Pintu Menggunakan RFID Berbasis Atmega 328 di Master Control Room Ratih TV Kebumen https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1433 <p><em>Most of the workspace door locks use a manual locking system so that it lacks security. The safety of the master control room is a priority, because in the room there are important tools and documents.Based on these problems, the authors made a door lock unlock design using Atmega328-based RFID. This research method is: R &amp; D. design and construction of door unlock using Atmega 328 based RFID. E-ID card attached to the door serves as an input to open the lock. This product is expected to increase safety when using the workspace.</em></p> Wijaya, Asni Tafrikhatin, Ajeng Tiara Wulandari, Asli Husain (Author) Copyright (c) 2023 JASATEC : Journal of Students of Automotive, Electronic and Computer https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1433 Tue, 03 Oct 2023 03:46:12 +0700 Rancang Bangun Pengingat Pembersihan Limbah Greshtrep Otomatis Berbasis Arduino https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1434 <p><em>Currently, the cleaning or cleaning schedule for greasetrap is done manually so that human errors can occur such as forgetfulness which can affect the final outcome of waste disposal. The purpose of this tool is to make it easier for the crew in scheduling greasetrap cleaning so as to minimize the occurrence of human errors. Based on the description above, the researchers made an automatic grease trap cleaning reminder alarm with a turbidity sensor based on the Atmega 328 microcontroller. The method of making this product uses Research and Development. The R&amp;D stages include: collecting data, creating product designs, building products, and testing products. This greasetrap cleaning alarm can be utilized as an automatic control system. The components of this tool include: turbidity sensor, ATmega 328 microcontroller, servo motor, LED, buzzer. The way this tool works with the turbidity sensor as a detection sensor for objects then the ATmega 328 microcontroller is used as a processing tool for this reminder alarm system, the output of this system is a servo motor as a greasetrap filter puller, LED and buzzer as notification.</em></p> Asni Tafrikhatin, Yulia Bherlinda, Ajeng Tiara Wulandari, Angga Azfananda (Author) Copyright (c) 2023 JASATEC : Journal of Students of Automotive, Electronic and Computer https://jurnal.politeknik-kebumen.ac.id/jasatec/article/view/1434 Tue, 03 Oct 2023 04:31:13 +0700