Sosialisasi Prosedur Pembuatan Perizinan Berusaha Secara Manual Dan Secara Online Dilingkungan Kecamatan Mandalajati Kota Bandung


Riska Br Pandia
Deden Rusyana
Risna Haryati
Canra Permadi


This research in the form of community service aims to analyze the application of licensing services for micro-small businesses based on the Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS RBA) for micro entrepreneurs in the Mandalajati District, Bandung City. The licensing system that has been launched with the aim of facilitating business actors in issuing business licenses as business legality. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method through an inductive approach. Informants were determined using a purposive sampling technique from Business Actors, the STIA Bagasasi Research Team and Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Terpadu satu Pintu Kota Bandung that had or had not issued their business permits through the OSS RBA. Data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions are the data analysis techniques used. Observations, interviews and documentation are used as data collection. The results showed that the implementation of the socialization of micro-small business licensing based on OSS RBA in the Mandalajati District, Bandung City was carried out well. This statement is based on the good response and enthusiasm of the community towards the implementation of policies and implementing agencies which strongly support policies related to OSS RBA-based licensing. As for the recommendation for maximum implementation, the Government in the Mandalajati District, Bandung City needs to conduct widespread outreach and training to business actors down to the sub-district/village level and compile regulations contained in Regional Regulations as the basis for implementing risk-based business licensing in the Mandalajati District, Bandung City


How to Cite
Riska Br Pandia, Deden Rusyana, Risna Haryati, & Canra Permadi. (2023). Sosialisasi Prosedur Pembuatan Perizinan Berusaha Secara Manual Dan Secara Online Dilingkungan Kecamatan Mandalajati Kota Bandung. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 4(1), 11-21.


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