Digital Marketing Training for Aspiring Entrepreneurs at Taruna Jaya Youth Social Institution, East Jakarta


Wahyuningsih Santosa
Dian Octaviani
Astrid Maria Esther
Arrum Anggraini Darmawan
Rayhan Fadillah
Jennifer Victoria Astari Haryanto


This Community Service (PkM) activity aims to educate aspiring entrepreneurs at the Taruna Jaya 1 Youth Social Institution about the importance of digital marketing strategies for achieving success in the digital era. Entrepreneurs, including MSMEs, need to leverage technology and digital platforms to enhance visibility, reach a broader market, and build stronger customer relationships. A participatory educational method was employed, encouraging active discussions. As a result, participants understood practical steps such as identifying target markets, building a strong online presence, utilizing content marketing and social media, and the importance of evaluating digital marketing strategies. With proper implementation, entrepreneurs can increase competitiveness and achieve sustainable business growth.


How to Cite
Santosa, W., Octaviani, D., Astrid Maria Esther, Arrum Anggraini Darmawan, Rayhan Fadillah, & Haryanto, J. V. A. (2025). Digital Marketing Training for Aspiring Entrepreneurs at Taruna Jaya Youth Social Institution, East Jakarta. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 6(1), 516-524.


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