Membangun Ekosistem Halal Kantin Asrama Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Mushonnifun Faiz Sugihartanto
Nugroho Priyo Negoro
Geodita Woro Bramanti
Nabila Silmina Hakim
Gita Widi Bhawika


The community service program to build a halal ecosystem for the ITS Dormitory Canteen is a program for assisting MSME actors in the ITS Dormitory Canteen to get a halal certificate. This is motivated by the importance of empowering the closest stakeholders, who must feel the benefits and knowledge of the ITS academic community. This assistance concept will be carried out with the aim that food and drinks at the ITS Dormitory Canteen can meet halal certification in order to increase consumer confidence (ITS dormitory residents), as well as the value of ITS dormitory services. This activity takes the form of training and mentoring for MSMEs as well as guidance during certification registration, to assisting in publication and socialization after MSMEs get halal certificates. The output of this activity is halal certified food and beverage products and the installation of halal plaques in the ITS dormitory canteen.


How to Cite
Sugihartanto, M. F., Nugroho Priyo Negoro, Geodita Woro Bramanti, Nabila Silmina Hakim, & Gita Widi Bhawika. (2022). Membangun Ekosistem Halal Kantin Asrama Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember . JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 3(1), 19-29.


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