Edukasi Penggunaan Smartphone dari Bahaya Radiasi pada Remaja di Dusun Pandes II Wonokromo Kecamatan Pleret Bantul


Muhammad Sholeh


Smartphone use has become a necessity in everyday life. The majority of people already use smartphones both for communication purposes and to support work. In addition to having a positive impact, smartphones also have a negative impact, especially in terms of radiation. The impact of smartphones being used continuously can cause health problems. The impact of this radiation needs to be known, especially for children and adolescents so that they can be anticipated from the start. The implementation of activities is focused on providing education about the impact and dangers of radiation from using smartphones. The method of activity is to provide socialization and explain the negative impact of electromagnetic wave emission from smartphones. The socialization process was provided by playing a video showing the damage caused by excessive radiation and other negative impacts. Outcomes include children and adolescents being able to know the impact of radiation and the dangers of electric current related to the use of smartphones. Another benefit of implementing this community service is providing knowledge and insight to the community in Pandes II Hamlet who understands the importance of security related to the use of smartphones.


How to Cite
Suraya, Uminingsih, & Sholeh, M. (2022). Edukasi Penggunaan Smartphone dari Bahaya Radiasi pada Remaja di Dusun Pandes II Wonokromo Kecamatan Pleret Bantul. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 3(1), 71-83.


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