The Linear Regression Analysis in Minitab and Fuzzy Logic in Matlab as Tools for Calculating Oyster Mushroom Yields at Thara Farm, Ciawi District, Bogor Regency.


Djabar Sidik Sidik
Elan Nurul Paozan
Naufal Syifa Abdul Karim


Indonesia is a tropical country rich in biodiversity, with a predominance of flora and fauna compared to other countries with similar climates, one example being mushrooms. Mushrooms are a type of fungi that thrive in temperatures ranging from 22-28°C, humidity levels of 70-90%, and lighting between 85-540 lux. In mushroom cultivation, farmers face various challenges, such as unstable yields at certain times. Therefore, this study aims to identify the primary factors affecting the stability of mushroom yields at PT Tharam. According to expert data, during the period from July to December, harvests can reach up to 600 kg per day, while in January to June, yields can drop to as low as 200 kg. Through correlation and regression analysis, it has been determined that the factors influencing the increase and decrease of mushroom yields at PT Tharam include irrigation intensity, nutrient application, temperature, humidity, rainfall, and pest attacks on mushrooms.
Keywords:  Oyster Mushroom; Temperature; Lighting; Watering; Humidity


How to Cite
Sidik, D. S., Elan Nurul Paozan, Naufal Syifa Abdul Karim, & Fisrawati. (2024). The Linear Regression Analysis in Minitab and Fuzzy Logic in Matlab as Tools for Calculating Oyster Mushroom Yields at Thara Farm, Ciawi District, Bogor Regency. Jurnal E-Komtek (Elektro-Komputer-Teknik), 8(2), 228-244.


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