Akselerasi Revitalisasi Proses Pemasaran Dage Desa Ciberung Menuju Economic Growth and Market Expansion


Aiza Yudha Pratama
Famila Dwi Winati
Irwan Susanto
Muhammad Faizul Haq
Tegar Santoso


The dage commodity is the leading commodity in Ciberung Village, Ajibarang, Banyumas as the center of dage business and production. Dage itself is made from a mixture of coconut materials. Specifically for the Banyumas area, the dage produced is made from coconut pulp or cake, brown to gray in color, and covered with mushrooms. Currently, the dage production process is still spread among individual craftsmen. This condition has an impact on the uneven quality of the dage products produced. This results in several shortcomings starting from the aspect of product quality and scalability of dage products in the market. For this reason, the service to the dage craftsmen group in the Ciberung Village government environment was carried out to overcome these problems, and became a form of effort in developing the marketing of dage products, in order to produce superior products that have competitiveness and have the opportunity to expand the market. The training is in the form of developing a marketing campaign, and applying the concept of branding to develop this product. It is hoped that with this training Dage can be recognized by the wider community.


How to Cite
Pratama, A. Y., Winati, F. D., Susanto, I., Muhammad Faizul Haq, Tegar Santoso, & AHMAD THORIQ ALFATAN. (2023). Akselerasi Revitalisasi Proses Pemasaran Dage Desa Ciberung Menuju Economic Growth and Market Expansion. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 4(3), 527-539. https://doi.org/10.37339/jurpikat.v4i3.1460


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