Restorasi Diesel Traktor Untuk Membantu Pertanian Padi di Wilayah Kebumen


Bahtiar Wilantara Bahtiar
Rudi Wahyudi
Catur Wicara
Aldi Riyanto


The agricultural sector in the Kebumen region contributes > 35.40% in the formation of the Gross Regional Domestic Product, so technology is needed to assist the agricultural sector. One of the technologies often used in the agricultural sector is the tractor. Community service activities aim to restore damaged tractors in the Kebumen area. The methods used are planning (observation and interview), implementation (sanding, welding, painting, and machine repair), and evaluation (function test). The results of the activities: a) the planning stage obtained information on the damaged tractor unit and permission to restore the tractor in Kelapa Sawit Kebumen Village, b) the implementation stage included sanding, welding, painting, and engine repair activities, c) the evaluation stage obtained a function test that the tractor runs according to function and can be used by the community to plow the fields.


How to Cite
Bahtiar, B. W., Rudi Wahyudi, Catur Wicara, & Aldi Riyanto. (2023). Restorasi Diesel Traktor Untuk Membantu Pertanian Padi di Wilayah Kebumen. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 4(1), 22-30.


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