Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Menarik Menggunakan Canva pada Guru SDN Dukuhwaluh untuk Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Daring


Dwi Krisbiantoro
Abdul Azis


The teacher is the spearhead in the success of a learning activity. Teaching and learning activities currently need innovation in terms of learning media so that students do not feel bored and it is easy to understand the material presented. The results of interviews with SD N Dukuhwaluh teachers during the pandemic the teachers had difficulty delivering material to students because learning was carried out online. One of the learning media that can be developed is the Canva application, with this application the teacher will be very helpful and students will not feel bored. The methods used in this training are lectures and direct practice of using Canva to training participants including explanations about Canva, its use and discussion and evaluation of activities. Based on the results of the evaluation of activities, it can be seen that the training process runs smoothly and teachers can create learning media with Canva and the response from the training is very positive and supports the training activities held.


How to Cite
Dwi Krisbiantoro, Abdul Azis, & Riyanto. (2022). Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Menarik Menggunakan Canva pada Guru SDN Dukuhwaluh untuk Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Daring. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 3(1), 173-182.


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